Our “all to breathe” cocktails. (now with alcohol, too...)

Twister - “Energising” (Cytrus limonum, Ylang ylang)
It’s a fizzy combination that beyond stimulating the nervous system and the adrenalin’s production, it increases the resistance to climatic factors, giving a "shot" to the daily mood. On the eastern countries it’s considered the number one of the aphrodisiacs!

Dolcevita - “Reactive” (Salvia officinalis, Ocimum basilicum)
Revitalizing, antidepressant, melt the nervous tension, the strong one too, improving at the same time concentration, memory and psychical resistance. It reduces the problems of the menopause like gust of heat.

Dry-Shot - “Cheering” (Juniperus communis conifere)
Aroma’s base of Gin, the juniper perfectly acts as stabilizer of the "man system", even if it is lightly galvanizing and exciting. Right to start your evening with one more march.

Lift - “Soothing” (Pimpinella anisum, Melissa officinalis)
Very effective in cases of irritability, insomnia and "bad mood", it will help you to overcome nervous breakdowns and it will give you a sensation of extreme lightness, raising the wearied spirits.

Smile - “Creative” (Mentha piperita, Santalum album)
Once in everyone’s life should try this harmonious poetry of aromas that wisely mixed can help your creativity and fantasy, arranging soul’s gentility and attenuating the mental tiredness and anxiety.

Eva's Dream - "Meditative" (Boswellia sacra, Hyssopus)
Dedicated to those who practice Yoga and meditation and likes to forget the clock, this mix appeases anxiety and stabilizes your breath returning its slowness and depth.

Spicy - “Balancing” (Origanum virens, Rosmarinus officinalis)
This spicy "Mediterranean cocktail" offers a valid antiseptic and soothing aid for lungs and bronchial tubes. It is also a good balancing for blood pressure and cardio tonic.

Cleaner - “Purifyng” (Mentha piperita, Eucalyptus globulus)
This mix gives to your body an agreeable sensation of coolness. It improves respiration, it disinfects respiratory ways and it completely pulls down nausea and head giddiness.

Sunrise - “Relaxant” (Citrus aurantius, Pogostemon patchouli)
This mix fights depression like states of discouragement or sadness, it shakes you out from apathy without excitement and it is an excellent relaxant.

Barby - "Ancestral" (Zingiber officinalis, Rosa gallica)
Prepared to stimulate your memory, it helps to remember just the good thoughts, nullifyng the bad one. Often it comes to memory the first kiss, the first Love...



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